Evidence-Based Practice Of Critical Care.
Incluye Gastos de Importación
- Medicina Intensiva
- Anestesia y Reanimación

- Precio Lista COP $ 200.000
- Precio CELSUS COP $ 90.000 En oferta
Critical Care & Critical Illness
1 Critical Care Versus Critical Illness
2 What Lessons have Intensivists learned during the Evidence Based Medicine Era?
3 Have Critical Care Outcomes Improved?
4 What Problems are Prevalent Among Survivors of Critical Illness and Which of those are Consequences of Critical Illness?
5 Do Early Warning Scores and Rapid Response Teams Improve Outcomes?
Basic Respiratory Management
6 What Are the Indications for Intubation the Critically Ill Patient?
7 Is the Role of Noninvasive Ventilation in the Intensive Care Unit?
8 How Does One Evaluate and Monitor Respiratory Function in the Intensive Care Unit?
9 What Is the Optimal Approach to Weaning and Liberation from Mechanical Ventilation?
10 How Does Mechanical Ventilation Damage Lungs? What can be Done to Prevent It?
11 Is Extracorporeal Life Support an Evidence-Based Intervention for Critically Ill Adults with ARDS?
12 What Factors Predispose Patients to Acute Respitory Distress Syndrome?
Hemodynamic Management
13 What is the Role of iIvasive Hemodynamic Monitoring in Critical Care?
14 Does the Use of Echocardiography Aid in the Management of the Critically Ill?
15 How do I Manage Hemodynamic Decompensation in a Critically Ill Patient?
16 What are the Best Tools to Optimize Circulation?
General Critical Care Management
17 What Strategies Can Be Used to Optimize Antibiotic Use in the Critically Ill?
18 Is Prophylaxis for Stress Ulceration Useful?
19 Should Fever Be Treated?
20 What Fluids Should I Give to the Critically Ill Patient? What Fuids Should I Avoid?
21 Should Blood Glucose Be Tightly Controlled in the Intensive Care Unit?
22 Is Hypothermia Useful in Managing Critically Ill Patients? Which Ones? Under What Conditions?
23 What Are the Special Considerations in the Management of Morbidly Obese Patients in the Intensive Care Unit?
24 How Do I Transport the Critically Ill Patient?
25 Are Computerized Algorithms Useful in Managing the Critically Ill Patient?
Non ARDS, Non-Infectious Respiratory Disorders
26 How Do I Diagnose and Treat Pulmonary Embolism?
27 Should Exacerbations of COPD Be Managed in the Intensive Care Unit?
28 What is the Clinical Definition of ARDS?
29 What Are the Pathologic and Pathophysiologic Changes That Accompany Acute Lung Injury and ARDS?
30 What Is the Best Mechanical Ventilation Strategy in ARDS?
31 Is Permissive Hypercapnia Useful in ARDS?
32 Do Patient Positioning in General and Prone Positioning in Particular Make a Difference in ARDS?
33 Is Pulmonary Hypertension Important in ARDS ? Should We Treat It?
34 Inhaled Vasodilators in ARDS: Do They Make a Difference?
35 Do Nonventilatory Strategies for ARDS Work?