Antibiotics In Laboratory Medicine 5Ed.
Incluye Gastos de Importación
- Medicina Interna
- Farmacología y Toxicología

- Precio Lista COP $ 20.000
- Precio CELSUS COP $ 30.000 En oferta
The Breakpoint 1 Matthew A. Wikler, Paul G. Ambrose Antimicrobial Susceptibility on Solid Media 8 John D. Turnidge, Jan M. Bell Susceptibility Testing of Antimicrobials in Liquid Media 61 Daniel Amsterdam Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Anaerobic Bacteria 144 David W. Hecht Antimycobacterial Agents: In Vitro Susceptibility Testing and Mechanisms of Action and Resistance 155 Clark B. Inderlied and Kevin A. Nash Antifungal Drugs: Mechanisms of Action, Drug Resistance, Susceptibility Testing, and Assays of Activity in Biological Fluids 226 Michael A. Pfaller, Daniel J. Diekema, and Michael G. Rinaldi Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing for Some Atypical Microorganisms (Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Rickettsia, Ehrlichia, Coxiella, and Spirochetes) 266 Jean-Marc Rolain, Didier Raoult Applications, Significance of, and Methods for the Measurement of Antimicrobial Concentrations in Human Body Fluids 290 Roger D. Klein and Stephen C. Edberg Antimicrobial Combinations 365 Satish K. Pillai, Robert C. Moellering, Jr., and George M. Eliopoulos Genetic and Biochemical Mechanisms of Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobial Agents 441 Louis B. Rice and Robert A. Bonomo Molecular Methods for the Detection of Antibacterial Resistance Genes 509 Margareta Ieven Molecular Mechanisms of Action for Antimicrobial Agents: General Principles and Mechanisms for Selected Classes of Antibiotics 532 Charles W. Stratton The Antivirogram and the Modes of Action of Antiviral Agents, HIV, Hepatitis, Influenza, and Cytomegalovirus 564 Pierre Dellamonica, Vincent Calvez, Anne-Genevieve Marcelin, Albert Tran, Pierre-Marie Roger, Marie-Christine Mazeron, and Bruno Lina Disinfectants and Antiseptics, Modes of Action, Mechanisms of Resistance, and Testing 615 Joseph M. Ascenzi, Martin S. Favero Evaluation of Antimicrobials in Experimental Animal Infections 654 Terry O' Reilly, D. A. Andes, Ch. Ostergaard, N. Frimodt-Moller Extravascular Antimicrobial Distribution and the Respective Blood and Urine Concentrations in Humans 719 David M. Bamberger, John W. Foxworth, Darcie L. Bridwell, Christopher S. Shain, and Dale N. Gerding Epidemiology of Antimicrobial Resistance: Species Prevalence, Susceptibility Profiles, and Resistance Trends 815 Thomas R. Fritsche, Helio S. Sader, Ronald N. Jones Index 851